Collection Search Activity: Developing Search Strategies for You and Your Students
(Frances Jacobson & Linda Joseph)
It's All in the Design: Making Lessons Work, Piece by Piece
(Leni Donlan & Kathleen Ferenz)
Creative Portraits: Using Art and Artifacts to Deepen Historical Understanding 
(Sonnet Takahisa)
Emblematic Illustrations: Using Material Culture to Interpret African American Life
(Gretchen Sullivan Sorin)
The Second Wave: European Immigration from 1850-1920 
(Stan Brimberg) 
After the American Revolution: Anxiety and Identity in the Creation of the United States 
(Randy Bass) 
The Great Depression in Your Classroom: Creating Successful Student Lessons around American Memory
(Michael Federspiel)
Investigating Reservation Controversies: Role-playing and Online Research as Aids to Historical Inquiry
(Bret Eynon)